My distractions

Some Top Stuff

Best Spots in Orlando, FL

Some of my favorite entries:

  1. My Life Principles
  2. Using automation and medical evidence to live a life of wellness and enjoyment.
  3. My collection regarding General Financial Advice.
  4. A discussion of Healthy Living
  5. How chess strategy can be good life strategy
  6. I am no longer on Facebook, but when I was, I enjoyed making lists. Here are some of my favorite lists.
  7. Be interesting. Live interesting. Always have a story...
  8. Family Medicine Rocks!Family Medicine Rocks!

Our Wedding

Photos of Our Wedding (12-17-2016)

Some of my favorite book related entries (2019 Book Recommendations):

  1. On Leadership:
    1. Leadership Rules: 50 Timeless Lessons for Leaders
    2. Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun
    3. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
  2. On Finance:
    1. The Millionaire Next Door
    2. The Coffeehouse Investor
    3. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
  3. On Strategy and Living Life:
    1. Antifragile
    2. Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain
    3. The Black Swan
    4. Rock, Paper, Scissors – Game Theory in Everyday Life
    5. Moonwalking with Einstein

Progressive Web Apps

Sites I like:


Sports Teams:


Health and Fitness:


Fun Random Stuff:

Medical References:


beekeeping book notes booklists chess economics family how-to life music philosophy productivity quotes race-plans race-results races runs stoic sundays sundays, quotes