My distractions


Black Bear Wilderness Run

written by Matthew Rensberry on 2022-07-02

This is one of our favorite places to run in Florida! more

Updated website

written by Matthew Rensberry on 2022-06-06

I have just transitioned this website from Wordpress to a static site. This was not the easiest of transitions, but should increase security moving forward and hopefully even loading speed. For those wanting to do something similar, this was my t... more

Chess and life

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2022-05-06

I read this a while back, and just thought I would look it up to see who really said it. Here is a favorite quote of mine, from Gautam Narula: If chess is anything, it is a game of second chances. Chess, like life, rewards perseverance. I’ve turn... more

Live in the Present

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2022-01-05

"Remember that man’s life lies all within this present, as ’t were but a hair’s-breadth of time; as for the rest, the past is gone, the future yet unseen. Short, therefore, is man’s life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells." ... more

Fix Things

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-12-01

"Most things can be fixed." (Grandpa) Alfred Bradbury more


written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-10-10

Success is a piece of mind that is a direct result of self satisfaction in knowing that you did your best, to become the best you are capable of becoming. John Wooden more


written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-10-05

"Excellence is a habit." Aristotle more

Save the World!

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-09-27

Climate conservation Everyday things we can do to be responsible stewards of our environment: Stop using straws Let weeds grow in your garden Stop buying so many things Walk more often Shut off lights Listen to people who have different opinions than you more

I can relate...

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-09-16

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation." Michael Scott from The Office more

2021 Pinellas Trail Challenge

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2021-09-13

A quick overview of my 2021 Pinellas Trail Challenge experience! more