A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention Economist Herbert Simon (1971) more
Here are some thoughts that came to my mind one day as I reflected on what I wish I had done earlier in my career. There are likely a lot more... Never forget WHY you went into medicine. Write it down today. This is something to keep close and to... more
Here are the apps I find useful for my daily work as a Family Medicine Physician: [Daily-Use Apps] Android iPhone ABG Interpreter ABG Acid Base AHRQ ePSS AHRQ ePSS ASCCP ASCCP ASCVD ASCVD ePocrates ePocrates GoodRx GoodRx Medscape Medscape MenoPr... more
I think an important life lesson many have yet to learn is how to apologize. A good apology does not come with a justification. For example, do not say, "I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood that day." Instead, say, "I'm sorry. That was wrong for me to... more
I recently finished the outstanding book written by John Ratey called, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. As both a medical professional and an active person who loves to exercise, I found this book enlightening, enco... more
Last evening, my phone was accidentally stepped on by a child. The screen was smashed. This was disappointing, but also an opportunity to evaluate my options for a new phone. The injured phone (it is still limping along) is a Nexus 5 and was purc... more
My Values: Poise/Presence - When you’re speaking emotionally, the words only account for 7% of what get conveyed. Vocal tone and body language count for much more. Consistency - Exemplify Excellence Efficiency - Done is better than perfect Balanc... more
These are books about running which I love and think all runners would enjoy: Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superatheletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall Once a Runner by John L. Parker Spark: The Revoluti... more
I heard an uplifting song on the radio the other day called "Be Nice." Later, I was at church and as I was thinking about things, I thought about how the beatitudes really are excellent guidelines to live life by: Blessed are the poor in spirit, ... more