My distractions


Danger: Too much information

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2017-01-18

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention Economist Herbert Simon (1971) more

2016 Family Smiles

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-12-26


Things I wish I'd thought of as a Medical Student

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-10-28

Here are some thoughts that came to my mind one day as I reflected on what I wish I had done earlier in my career. There are likely a lot more... Never forget WHY you went into medicine. Write it down today. This is something to keep close and to... more

Recommended Smartphone Apps for Medicine

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-10-26

Here are the apps I find useful for my daily work as a Family Medicine Physician: [Daily-Use Apps] Android iPhone ABG Interpreter ABG Acid Base AHRQ ePSS AHRQ ePSS ASCCP ASCCP ASCVD ASCVD ePocrates ePocrates GoodRx GoodRx Medscape Medscape MenoPr... more

I'm Sorry...

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-08-08

I think an important life lesson many have yet to learn is how to apologize. A good apology does not come with a justification. For example, do not say, "I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood that day." Instead, say, "I'm sorry. That was wrong for me to... more


written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-06-14

I recently finished the outstanding book written by John Ratey called, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. As both a medical professional and an active person who loves to exercise, I found this book enlightening, enco... more

The cost of a new phone

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-03-23

Last evening, my phone was accidentally stepped on by a child. The screen was smashed. This was disappointing, but also an opportunity to evaluate my options for a new phone. The injured phone (it is still limping along) is a Nexus 5 and was purc... more

Life Philosophy - 2016 edit

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-02-03

My Values: Poise/Presence - When you’re speaking emotionally, the words only account for 7% of what get conveyed. Vocal tone and body language count for much more. Consistency - Exemplify Excellence Efficiency - Done is better than perfect Balanc... more

Top Running Books

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2016-01-20

These are books about running which I love and think all runners would enjoy: Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superatheletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall Once a Runner by John L. Parker Spark: The Revoluti... more

Be Nice

written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2015-12-13

I heard an uplifting song on the radio the other day called "Be Nice." Later, I was at church and as I was thinking about things, I thought about how the beatitudes really are excellent guidelines to live life by: Blessed are the poor in spirit, ... more