Who - Find the right person for the position
I just read a book recommended to me on finding the right people to hire: Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street.
It is a great, practical guide to finding the best fit for your organization.
Here is the "A" Method:
- Scorecard
- Source
- Select
- Select/identify the person
- Sell
Make your Scorecard
- Mission
- Short statement describing why a role exists
- Outcomes
- 3-8 specific, objective outcomes that a person must accomplish to achieve an A performance
- Competencies
- Identify as many role-based competencies as you think appropriate to describe behaviors someone must demonstrate to achieve outcomes
- Identify 8 competencies that describe your culture and place on every scorecard
- Ensure alignment and communicate
- Ensure there is consistency and alignment. Share with relevant parties (peers and recruiters)
How to Source
- Referrals from your professional and personal networks
- Referrals from your employees
- Deputizing friends of the firm
- Hiring recruiters
- Hiring researchers
- Sourcing systems (like a spreadsheet or calendar)
Interview techniques
- 3 P's to clarify how valuable an accomplishment was:
- How did your Performance compare to the previous year's performance?
- How did your Performance compare to the plan?
- How did your Performance compare to that of peers?
- People who perform well are generally [pulled] to greater opportunities
- Push - "It was mutual." "It was time for me to leave." "My boss and I did not get along."
- Pull - "My biggest client hired me." "My old boss recruited me to a bigger job."
Candidate flags during hiring process:
- Does not mention past failures
- Exaggerates their answer
- Takes credit for the work of others
- Speaks poorly of past bosses
- Cannot explain job moves
- If people most important to candidate do not support change
- More interested in compensation than in job
- Tries too hard to look like an expert
- Self-absorbed
How to select "A" Players
The Screening Interview
- What are your career goals?
- What are you really good at professionally?
- What are you not good at or not interested in doing professionally?
- Who were your last 5 bosses, and how will they each rate your performance on a 1-10 scale when we talk to them?
The Who Interview (Walk chronologically through a candidates Career with 5 questions for each job)
- What were you hired to do?
- What accomplishments are you most proud of?
- What were some low points during that job?
- Who were the people you worked with?
- Why did you leave that job?
Focused Interview(s)
- Team members conduct interviews that focus on outcomes and/or competencies on the scorecard
Candidate Discussion
- Grade scorecard use skill-will framework
- Advance those whose skill (what they are good at) and will (what they want to do) match the mission, outcomes, and competencies on the scorecard
The Reference Interview
- Conduct reference calls from people chosen from the Who Interview
Final Decision
- Repeat skill-will analysis
How to sell A Players
Identify which of the 5 F's really matter to the candidate:
- Fit
- Family
- Freedom
- Fortune
- Fun
Create and execute a plan to address the relevant F's during the five waves of selling:
- During sourcing
- During interviews
- Between offer and acceptance
- Between acceptance and day 1
- During the first 100 days on the job
- Be persistent.
Avoid legal problems
- Do not reject candidates for reasons that are not relevant to the job
- Use the same process for all candidates
- Use nondiscriminatory language during interviews and in written forms
Avoid illegal questions - Anything to do with:
- Marital status
- Intention to have children
- Whether candidates are pregnant
- When they were born
- Where they were born
- Medical conditions (unless relevant to the job)
- Race or ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Physical or mental handicaps
book notes
life helps