I just finished reading The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. I was not as into this book as I have for others, but much of the discussion is very valid.
Once again, to be a great leader, one must be self-reflective, understand and know your values, be the best example, be humble, and more. These are the recurrent themes in all the leadership books I have been reading.
Important thoughts from this book:
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Here are some thoughtful quotes from the book:
For people to follow someone willingly, they want to see these in a leader:
- Honest
- Forward-looking
- Competent
- Inspiring
Credibility is the foundation of leadership. p37 - Do what you say you will do. p40
Personal values drive commitment. p55
Leaders build on agreement. p57
How you spend your time is the single clearest indicator of what's important to you. p76
Questions develop people. p82
Be intentional and purposeful about the questions you ask. p83
Leaders are dreamers. Leaders are idealists. Leaders are possibility thinkers. p105
When your life and career are on course and you understand your purpose, you feel full, satisfied, and ever so powerful. p131
...certainty and routine breed complacency. p159
To do your best as a leader, you have to seize the initiative to change the way things are. p162
Find ways for people to stretch themselves. Set the bar incrementally higher, but at a level at which people feel they can succeed. p169
Leaders make risk safe, as paradoxical as that might sound. p188
Small wins produce big results for a very simple reason: it's hard to argue with success. p197
Leaders significantly increase people's belief in their own ability to make a difference. p243
Leaders accept and act on the paradox of power: you become more powerful when you give your own power away. p244
People who are not confident about their power, regardless of their organizational position or place, tend to hoard whatever shreds of influence they have. p244
Fun isn't a luxury, even at work. p313
The truth is that the best leaders are the best learners. p335
Leadership is in the moment. p344