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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Notes from the book, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Retraining Your Brain by Jason M. Satterfield, as well as from other sources.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Based on a triangle model of the interactions of Thoughts, Behaviors, and Emotions.

  1. Change one's thinking:
    • Learning to recognize one’s distortions in thinking that are creating problems, and then to reevaluate them in light of reality.
    • Gaining a better understanding of the behavior and motivation of others.
    • Using problem-solving skills to cope with difficult situations.Learning to develop a greater sense of confidence in one’s own abilities.
  2. Change one's behavior:
    • Facing one’s fears instead of avoiding them.
    • Using role playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others.
    • Learning to calm one’s mind and relax one’s body.

CBT Notes:

Use SMART goals:

Evaluate Thoughts

Habits of mind

  1. Personalizing
  2. Magnification or Minimization perspective
  3. Mental filter
  4. All or None thinking
  5. Mind reading
  6. Fortune telling

New Behaviors

  1. ACTION Acronym:

    • Assessment
    • Choose a new behavior
    • Try the new behavior
    • Integrate into your new routine
    • Observe the results
    • Never give up
  2. ABCD Acronym

    • Activating event
    • Behaviors
    • Consequences
    • Dispute

Elements of a Stress Assessment:

Importance of Forgiveness


Other References (besides the book)


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