My distractions


written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2015-04-28

People seem to not discuss much anymore.

I often observe people attempting to engage in a conversation, though each is speaking to themself really. They take turns speaking and while the other is using their turn, figuring out what they way to say and saying that. The discussion truely goes nowhere, and at a minimum misscommunication occurs.

Another situation occurs when 2 parties are passionate about their position on a particular topic. The further they delve into their discussion, the more heated and partisan it becomes.

Why don't we listen to each other better?

I think it is very important to purposely listen to what others say, consider their thoughts, and respond in kind ... not with what I want them to hear from me in the first place.

In my opinion, this will go best if done in question form (like the socratic method) - to try and fully understand what their paradigm is and why they feel the way they do.

According to Mind Tools, the following are key to active listening:

  1. Pay Attention
  2. Show That You're Listening
  3. Provide Feedback
  4. Defer Judgment
  5. Respond Appropriately

Not easy, but practical and useful. Do this and save your relationships.