My distractions


written by Matthew Rensberry, MD MBA on 2014-08-06

This site has been running since 2006 or so, but has changed dramatically many times. Now is one more of those times. Unlike previous iterations, this is not a re-install or re-start, but more of a re-direction.

My plans are to turn this into a bulletin board to collect my thoughts. Recently I de-activated my Facebook account. This was quite a big deal for me personally and I was not sure how well I was going to like being off of Facebook. The jury is still out on that one .... though I find myself less distracted and more focused both at home and work.

My leaving Facebook ties into this site's re-direction in that I plan on posting thought clippings on all my random mental processes ... from exercise and finance to medicine and productivity. This will likely continue to be an exercise unto myself as I expect very little if any traffic, but I believe it will be a good exercise for me to do.

Let's see how well this re-direction works out! :)