- Install Stylus extension in your a browser that allows for mobile extensions (probably only Firefox)
Download and install the extension Stylus
Copy and paste this css into the extension (URLs starting with: https://www.nba.com/games):
/* ******* */ /* NBA.com */ /* ******* */ .Layout_fixedContent__kWFtM { display: none; } .Layout_withSubNav__ByKRF { padding: 0; } .Layout_withShortStrip__krLX0 { padding: 0; } .Columns_left__XkWXE { width: 100%; } .Columns_right__RMqRd { display: none; } .Footer_footer__nKPS_ { display: none; } .GameDatePicker_gdpToggles__dQytG { display: none; } .GameHeroBackground_hero__BdLKJ { display: none; } .GameSummary_sumContainer__WBZiw > section:nth-child(1) { display: none; }
Copy and paste this css into the extension (URLs starting with: stats.wftda.com):
/* ***** */ /* WFTDA */ /* ***** */ .universalNavigation { display: none; } .mainNavigation { display: none; } .homeBanners { display: none; }
Copy and paste this css into the extension (URLs starting with: https://www.mlssoccer.com/schedule/scores):
/* ************* */ /* mlssoccer.com */ /* ************* */ .mls-c-header { display: none; } .mls-c-header { display:none; } div.mls-premium-leaderboard { display: none; } .d3-l-col__col-3 { display: none; } .d3-l-col__col-9 { width: 100%; margin: auto; } .mls-c-footer { display: none; } .d3-l-wrap > section:nth-child(5) { display: none; } .mls-o-masthead { display: none; }
Copy and paste this css into the extension (URLs starting with: https://www.mlb.com/scores):
/* ******* */ /* mlb.com */ /* ******* */ #react-header { display: none; } .SnSNavstyle__NavWrapper-sc-84yg8i-1 { display: none; } #react-footer { display: none; }
Copy and paste this css into the extension (URLs starting with: https://www.nhl.com/scores/):
/* ******* */ /* nhl.com */ /* ******* */ .nhl-c-header { display: none; } .sc-dGANrm { display: none; } .nhl-c-footer { display: none; } #ad-skin { display: none; }
- Enjoy.